星期五, 12月 22, 2006


街坊茶樓 第二季﹐新環節﹐新開始。





3 則留言:

匿名 說...

I am always jealous about not being able to enjoy Hong Kong's great food anymore. Now knowing that H.K. is half season behind the U.S. for "Lost," the score is now HK 1 US 1.

Dark Knight 說...

Hehe, there are only six episodes behind in Hong Kong, not half season.
By the way, the time gap between HK & US may be one or two days only, the die hard LOST fans like me can obtain the latest episode from various source, such as ITS.
Anyway, let's wait together for the new episode in Feb 07.

匿名 說...

HK 2 US 1. It looks like I need to visit H.K. again. I was just there in November... Maybe I can ask my aunt to mail me some dim sum from Sui Sai Wan. Thanks,街坊茶樓. Because of the earthquake, I haven't been able to download your podcast #26 here.